Access to any un-oocupied space within during our business hours.
Up to 4 hours to reserve any un-occupied office or room for up to 25 people at once.
Gain access to our space where you will be able to find a corner to focus on your work or meet with clients in a professional setting.

$99 per month
All the previous benefits plus...
Monthly same page meetings with an executive accountability agenda.
An additional two hours of scheduled executive admin support (IE: 4 hours a month).
Start making consistent progress overcoming obstacles in your business through an accountability meeting with a custom agenda.

$500 per month
All the previous benefits plus...
C-suite level business assessments with custom recommendations.
Increase same page meetings to weekly cadence (IE: 4 per month).
An additional six hours of scheduled executive admin support (IE: 12 hours per month)
With the use of c-suite level business assessments, we identify weaknesses in your organization and outline recommendations to overcome them.

$2,500 per month
All the previous benefits plus...
Up to two hours of scheduled executive admin support.
Enjoy our executive administrative services that mitigate the busy work so you can focus on growing your business.

$250 per month
All the previous benefits plus...
Creation of a business plan paired with quarterly updates.
An additional same page meeting (IE: 2 per month)
An additional four hours of scheduled executive admin support (IE: 8 hours per month).
Transform your company with an effective business plan that includes problem-solving sessions to build your business to new heights.

$1,000 per month
All the previous benefits plus...
Quarterly employee engagement meetings.
Monthly departmental meeting with the leaders in your company.
An additional eight hours of scheduled executive admin support (IE: 20 hours per month)
Build your business to its maximum potential with intentional employee engagement and assistance with developing your internal leadership team.

$5,000 per month